‘There is always so much drama going on at any given moment’: 15+ cringeworthy industry secrets, according to current and former employees
‘There is always so much drama going on at any given moment’: 15+ cringeworthy industry secrets, according to current and former employees


Working in any industry for some time can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you come to understand the ins and outs of said industry. On the other hand, sometimes understanding the ins and outs of an industry is not all it’s cracked up to be. Because then you have to live with that knowledge for the rest of your existence and that could certainly change the way you go about your business. 

For instance, when I learned what goes into managing a box office for an entertainment venue, I gained a whole lot of respect for all the nonsense these employees have to deal with when it comes to disgruntled customers and poor management. These current and former employees shared their cringeworthy industry secrets via the following r/AskReddit thread. Keep scrolling below for their revelations. When you’re done, feel free to take a look at this collection of awkward high school reunion encounters.


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